One of the Orientation session by Husys in Implementing Performance Management System.
Q: What is the best way to get results of a newly designed performance appraisal system?
Communication.. Communication... & Communication : That's the mantra for any new system implementation in an organisation. The impact of non-communication can lead to delay in process implementation and effectiveness whereby loosing out on precious Business Time. Please make sure the following basic steps (you can be creative and make it more effective too...) :
1. Objective : Make sure that you are clear about the results that you would like to reap of the new appraisal system and quantifiable output for organisation and people.
2- Test the New System : Try and test the efficiency of the system by administering to a sample in the organisation. This should give you focus to fine tune as required.
3- Orient : Prepare a presentation and make sure that all the levels of the organisation understand the new design. Clarify the roles of individual in the process... you may want to have a special orientation for who undergo the appraisal (for all) and also for people who appraise. Needs a different orientation. Most important have a communication from the MD/CEO on the importance of the system.
4- Make a Plan & Share: Inform every body about the schedules to be followed. Make a plan taking into consideration of all the stakeholders (heads of functions/departments/divisions etc.,)... So that the accountability to support the Action plan is not just with HR. Make schedules of individual reviews and participate from HR where its required (first timers or as requested). Empower the Reporting managers to conduct the appraisal.
5- Track to Closure: Create a Tracking mechanism to review the Progress... Track the Distribution, Preparedness, Reviews, Returning documents, Reviewers comments, HR Collation of documents etc.,
The above is explained in brief... any specific questions can be posted on comments...